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Material flow accounts - Indicators

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Section Environment, Sustainable Development, Territory, email:
Thousand tonnes; tonnes per capita (resident population on the 31st December); CHF per kg; Kg per CHF
Now you have come to the page, Choose variable. This page give you the oportunity to select which variables and values you want to display in your result of the table. A variable is a property of a statistical unit. The page is divided into several boxes, one for each variable, where you can select values by click to highlight one or more values. It always starts with the statistics variable which is the main value counted in the table.

Selected 0 of total 4

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Domestic extraction used DEU , Unused domestic extraction UDE , Imports ,

Selected 0 of total 16

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.1990 , 1991 , 1992 ,

Selected 1 of total 33

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(maximum number allowed is 2,500,000)

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Last update : new data (year 2022), revised values (1990-2021).
Database status: June 2023
Reference period: calendar year
Spatial reference: Switzerland
Survey: Environmental accounts (CENV) - Physical accounts
Figures from 2022 are estimates. The 2021 results for flows in raw material equivalents are provisional. This interactive table presents the complete Material flow accounts (MFA) at the highest aggregation level (for disaggregated data by material type see the two other MFA interactive tables). The flows presented in this interactive table are:
- Domestic extraction used DEU: DEU measures the flows of materials from the Swiss environment and that physically enter the economy.
- Unused domestic extraction UDE: includes all the materials extracted in Switzerland but not used in the national economy.
- Imports: all raw materials or manufactured products, which enter in Switzerland from abroad and all materials consumed abroad by Swiss resident units (residence principle).
- Imports in raw material equivalents: Imports converted in the mass of all materials used during the production processes and transport of goods and services until they cross the border. The indicators in raw material equivalents are the result of modelling and involve a higher level of uncertainty than the direct flow indicators. They should therefore be considered as estimates.
- Exports: all raw materials or manufactured products that leave Switzerland and all materials consumed in Switzerland by non-resident units (residence principle).
- Exports in raw material equivalents: Exports converted in the mass of all materials used during the production processes and transport of goods and services until they cross the border. The indicators in raw material equivalents are the result of modelling and involve a higher level of uncertainty than the direct flow indicators. They should therefore be considered as estimates.
- Domestic processed output DPO: DPO measures the total weight of materials from domestic extraction and imports that are released to the environment after having been used by the national economy. DPO follows the residence principle: it includes emissions abroad from resident units (for example: Airline companies of Switzerland) and excludes emissions in Switzerland from non-resident units (for example: foreign heavy goods vehicles). Since the 2019 data update and in order to comply with international standards, the quantities of waste disposal to landfills have been excluded from emissions to nature. Landfills are thus considered as part of the infrastructure of the society.
- Net additions to stock NAS: NAS reflect the physical growth of the economy (expansion of the stock of materials in building, infrastructures and durable goods).
- Balancing items: To compile a full mass balance, quantities are corrected with balancing items both on the input and output sides. These items include for example the oxygen used during the combustion process and the water vapor emitted through human and livestock respiration. By taking into account such processes, the balancing items allow calculating the correct net additions to stock NAS (see above).
The indicators presented in this interactive table are:
- DMC (Domestic Material Consumption) = DEU + Imports - Exports
- DMI (Direct Material Input) = DEU + Imports
- RMC (Raw Material Consumption) = Domestic extraction used + Imports in raw material equivalents - Exports in raw material equivalents
- RMI (Raw Material Input) = Domestic extraction used + Imports in raw material equivalents
- PTB (Physical Trade Balance) = Exports - Imports
- NAS (Net Additions to Stock) = DEU + Imports + Balancing items : Input side - Exports - DPO - Balancing items : Output side
More information about MFA
Environmental accounting - Material flows

Unit of measure

Tonnes per capita

Figures are divided by the resident population on the 31st December.

CHF per kg

Gross domestic product GDP in chain-linked volumes to reference year 2015 is used in the calculations.

Kg per CHF

Gross domestic product GDP in chain-linked volumes to reference year 2015 is used in the calculations.